
Ninjaproxy Allows You Anonymous Web Browsing

A couple of benefits that can be obtained using ninjaproxy are access to blocked sites and privacy. This is a free proxy web-based.

All over the world, businesses and schools set up firewalls and filters on their computer systems to block or filter access to sites like Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, etc.. In addition, these organizations use software to track your online proceedings, and can invade your privacy. These obstacles and intrusions can be handled with ninjaproxy.

This server is a free website unblocker that can be utilized in schools, offices or elsewhere, which lets you surf the Internet without betraying your identity. By using ninjaproxy, you can surf the Internet using a third wall that inhibits others to collect your personal information. This acts as a two way mirror between the user and the site you visit, go to the site while remaining anonymous. All you have to do is to enter a URL and press the Browse button! This supplies protection for you and your personal information, especially when crossing public networks.